Hi all, I am new to structure solving. I have a 2.9A dataset for a Seleno crystal of which i am trying to use Autosol to build an initial map. I used the settings for a thorough solution, instead of quick. All the other parameters were set to default settings. The solution that i got from autosol, gave me the following result Solution # 1 BAYES-CC: 23.7 +/- 30.9 Dataset #1 FOM: 0.27 Residues built: 238 Side-chains built: 139 Chains: 15 Overall model-map correlation: 0.65 R/R-free: 0.38/0.42. Score type: SKEW CORR_RMS Raw scores: 0.02 0.77 100x EST OF CC: 16.86 32.11 The density modification map matches, quite well with many of my side chains fitted. My question here is , IS THERE A WAY I CAN IMPROVE THE Figure Of Merit , BY CHANGING ANY PARAMETERS IN PHENIX-AUTOSOL. I HAVE A HIGH SOLVENT CONTENT IN MY CRYSTAL AND I DID NOT INPUT THAT IN MY INITIAL PARAMETERS. DOES PHENIX AUTOSOL CONSIDER SOLVENT FLATTENING FOR SUCH CRYSTALS? I would appreciate someone's help in this regard Thanks Shankar