what does this have to do with estimating ligand binding affinity? Does one have to have fairly low occupancy? I have examples where one end of a ligand is much better defined than the other end of the ligand, both ends are in the same pocket. The pocket has to reshape to accomodate high affinity binding. We have modeled complete occupancy, but B factors for example would differ and we go from two conformations in rather diffuse density to excellent density at the one end of the pocket, while at the other end there is always excellent density. It seems magical to convert this type of data to affinity, but if there was a way, I would be interested in trying it. With my best regards, Tim Timothy A. Springer, Ph.D. Latham Family Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Harvard Medical School http://idi.harvard.edu/springer Immune Disease Institute [email protected] Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Dept. Medicine Div. Hematology Children's Hospital Boston 3 Blackfan Circle, Rm 3103 phone: 617-713-8200 Boston MA 02115 fax: 617-713-8232 On May 1, 2012, at 9:32 AM, Nora Cronin wrote:
I'm having a small problem with format - entering fixed_ensembles in automr:
my input:
fixed_ensembles { fixed_ensembleID_list = "ensemble_1" fixed_euler_list = 87.09 64.28 257.24 fixed_frac_list = 0.540 0.079 0.069 fixed_frac_list_is_fractional = True }
Phenix output:
Adding Ensemble ensemble_1 as fixed solution with: Euler angles: [87.09, 64.28, 257.24] Coords (orthogonal A): [0.54, 0.079, 0.069] *************ERROR ENDING *******************
**************************************** AutoMR Input failed Python argument types in SOLU.addSOLU_6DIM_ENSE(InputMR_AUTO, str, list, bool, list, float, bool, bool, bool) did not match C++ signature: addSOLU_6DIM_ENSE(phaser::SOLU {lvalue}, std::string, scitbx::vec3<double>, bool, scitbx::vec3<double>, double, bool, bool, bool, bool, scitbx::vec3<double>, double) **************************************** *************ERROR ENDING ******************* [1
In addition to fixed two solutions is it necessary to repeat the key phrases or can one add to "fixed_euler_list" in groups of three (do they need to be comma delimited?
Dr N B Cronin X-Ray Laboratory Manager Tel. (+44) 020 7153 5445 Section of Structural Biology Fax. (+44) 020 7153 5456 Chester Beatty Laboratories mobile: (+44) 07787554059 The Institute of Cancer Research 237 Fulham Road London SW3 6JB
The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital, a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under Company No. 534147 with its Registered Office at 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP.
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