e-LBOW builder help (Expert mode)

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--long-help show even more help and exit
 use the passed SMILES
--file=FILE use file for chemical input
--key=KEY use SMILES from smilesDB for chemical input
--keys display smiles DB
--pipe read input from standard in
 use only this residue from the PDB file
--chain=CHAIN use only this chain from the PDB file
--all-residues retain all residues in a PDB file
 name of ligand to be used in various output files
 use sequence (limited to 20 residues and no semi- empirical optimisation)
--read-only read the input but don't do any processing
--opt use the best optimisation method available
 use file for naming of atoms e.g. PDB file
 use Newton-Raphson optimisation
--gdiis use GDIIS optimisation
--quicca use QUICCA optimisation
--mopac use MOPAC for quantum chemistry calculations (requires MOPAC be installed)
--gamess use GAMESS for quantum chemistry calculations (requires GAMESS be installed)
--gaussian use Gaussian for quantum chemistry calculations (requires Gaussian be installed)
 use this file to obtain final geometry
 use this file to obtain the intital geometry for QM
--restart restart the optimisation with lowest previous geometry
 optimisation steps (currently for ELBOW opt only)
 optimisation tolerance = loose, default or tight
 ignore the chirality in the SMILES string
--user-opt use user defined for quantum chemistry calculations
 input filename
 converts xyz file to QM program input
 xyz filename
 run script filename
 QM optimisation program run script or program invocation command
 output filename
 converts QM program output to xyz file
 maximum memory mostly for quantum method
 run QM with this method, if possible
 run QM with this basis, if possible
 random number seed
--quiet less print out
--silent almost complete silence
--view=VIEW viewing software command
--pymol use PyMOL from the PHENIX install to view geometries
--overwrite clobber any existing output files
 file that specifies the bond of the input molecule
--id=ID three letter code used in the CIF output
--xyz output is also written in XYZ format
--tripos output is also written in TRIPOS format
 name for output files
--pickle use a pickle file to reload the topological information
--do-all process all molecules in a SDF file
 override the automatic hydrogen addition
 override the automatic writing of hydrogens to PDB and CIF files
 set the max bondlength for auto bond detection
 set the atom attributes in the PDB file
--metal generate metal coordination spheres



Reads a number of chemical formats including

  • SMILES: string or file
  • PDB: string or file
  • XYZ: string or file
  • Molfile (V2000, V3000 and SDFile): string or file
  • TRIPOS MOL2: string or file
  • GAMESS input: string or file
  • GAMESS output: string or file
  • Gaussian input: string or file
  • Gaussian output: string or file
  • PyQuante input: list or tuple

Returns a SimpleMoleculeClass

SMILES examples:

elbow.builder --smiles O
elbow.builder --smiles CCO
elbow.builder --smiles c1ccccc1
elbow.builder --smiles "CC(C)C"
elbow.builder --smiles "Nc1ncnc2[n](cnc12)[C@@H]3O[C@H](CO[P@](O)(=O)O[P@@](O)(=O)OP(O)(O)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]3O"
Other examples:
elbow.builder --file file.pdb
User defined database of SMILES:
To set SMILES key
elbow.builder --key ethanol --smiles CCO
To recall SMILES string
elbow.builder --key ethanol
To remove SMILES string
elbow.builder --key ethanol --smiles ""