[phenixbb] Possible problem with eLBOW in version 1.21rc1.5058 using smiles string

Francisco Javier Medrano fjmedrano at cib.csic.es
Thu Nov 30 01:25:26 PST 2023

Dear all:

     Silly me, I forgot to inform about the operating system. This is in 
windows 10.

Xavier, I know the smiles string is pyrophosphate and that it is already 
described, but I am working with some analogs.

Nigel, I do not think this has to do with writing permissions. The 
system where it does not seem to work is in windows where I am the 
administrator. I tried with the same version in Linus (Centos) and it 
run without any problem, so I imagine that it has to do with the windows 

Thank's for the response.

Best regards


Fº Javier Medrano
Cristalografía de Macromoléculas
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas
C/ Ramiro de Maeztu, nº 9
Madrid - Spain

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