The Phenix developers would like to thank the following for their contributions.
- The CCP4 developers for permitting us to use the CCP4 MTZ library
- Garib Murshudov and Alexei Vagin for creating and distributing the CCP4 monomer library
- Kevin Cowtan for writing the Clipper libraries and contributions to the cctbx
- Alexandre Urzhumtsev for help with methods and algorithms development
- David Abrahams (author of the Boost.Python library)
- Ethan Merritt and Jay Painter for writing the mmLib Python Macromolecular Library
- Luc Bourhis and Marat Mustyakimov for major contributions to cctbx
- The UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory for writing KSDSSP
- Bob Edgar for writing MUSCLE
- Piotr Rotkiewicz for writing PULCHRA
- Robin Dunn and many others for developing and supporting wxPython.
- Authors of many other open-source packages used in Phenix: NumPy, Matplotlib, ReportLab,
- NIH/NIGMS for Program Project funding (GM063210)
- The Phenix Industrial Consortium for funding and participants for their feedback
- Lawrence Berkley Laboratory for initial funding for Phenix
- All of the Phenix users for their feedback